Category Archives for "Responsibility"

Working With Energy Changed Everything

Energy work is the most powerful way I have found to change your life. To move it from feeling like a shitstorm of repeatedly bouncing along rock bottom or like an exhausting uphill struggle, to actually loving life, loving yourself and achieving your biggest goals!


How To Know If You Are Ready For The Power Up Programme

The Power Up programme is aimed at businesswomen who are ready to unleash their true potential and uplevel their business so that it has greater impact.

It takes you from stalling or wheel spinning, feeling stuck at a plateau in your business to confidently taking strides forward to getting your business starting to have the bigger impact that you desire.

How to know if you are ready for this programme….


10 Unexpected Signs That You Are Sabotaging Your Business…

10 Unexpected Signs That You Are Sabotaging Your Business…

If you are doing any of these then it is a sign that there is some sabotaging going on and that you are not showing up in your business in the best way you can… which means that you are likely to be slowing down your business development and growth…


Confidence Holding You Back From Really Living?

Confidence holding you back from really living?

I got the best compliment I have possibly ever received from a band member who I had just seen perform…

…This meant so much to me because I spent so many years of my life not really living…


Insecurity And Anxiety Get The Better Of You?

Do your insecurities and anxieties seem to creep out and haunt you? Do they jump out and take you unawares? Do they whisper in your ear that you are… … not good enough? … that you’re not doing the right thing? … that if it goes wrong it is all your fault? Does your insecurity […]


Are You a Dream Stealer?

I have a dream that one day I will live in a mini-manor house. I can literally see it in my mind’s eye – wandering down corridors and hallways in my pyjamas, curling up in a nook or cranny to read a book, feeling the heat from an open fire on my face, appreciating the […]