Things not working? Take a tea break

Sometimes you can push too hard at something. Sometimes you can push yourself too hard. I totally appreciate the need to put consistent and significant effort in to create something new or to get something off the ground such as a new business. However sometimes we push too hard. This can lead to getting ill or […]


Do You See A Disaster Or Just Another Next Step?

Have you ever noticed when working towards something that it seems like you are taking two steps forward and one step back a lot of the time? When I embark upon something new I often find I experience a quick win to start with. Like I am being given a thumbs up that I am going […]


How My Fear Tried To Stop Me

Fear. We all get it. It comes up for us when embarking upon change (or even just considering it!). This is a topic I coach on regularly. I found myself experiencing the impact of fear quite strongly recently. It was being triggered as I was pushing myself forward into new ways of working. One day in particular […]


How We Prevent Our Own Happiness

We often life our lives out of alignment with what we truly want or what will make us feel happy. We put others first. We compromise. We take the comfortable middle ground, often in order to keep the peace. We go with the flow no matter where it takes us, trusting in the safety of playing […]


How to Design a Life You Love – Part 3

Once you have given yourself permission to design a life you love and you have engaged your ‘architect’ (system or framework you will use) you are ready to get designing! Here are some key steps for designing a life you love: Set meaningful and powerful goals: Consider what aspirations you have. Allow yourself to dream big and imagine […]


My ‘Design a Life You Love’ Story

To give you a little background on it, three years ago my life changed irreversibly when my 15 year relationship with my partner ended. It had perhaps been on the cards for a while, but being an optimist and a very committed person, I didn’t see it coming. So I was completely unprepared for the […]


How To Design a Life You Love – Part 2

Recently I talked about how the first step to designing a life you love is actually giving yourself permission to do it. (See ‘Part 1’ of this blog here.) The second step is to find an architect. Obviously I’m not meaning a literal architect here, but someone, or something, to give you a structure or framework […]


Are You So Future Focussed That You’re Missing Out On Now?

I am a fan of the seasons. I love how each one has its own personality. I love the constantly evolving visuals from stark to voluptuous, differing weather, and shifting temperatures and day light timings. I’ve noticed however that a lot of people don’t seem to particularly notice or appreciate this constant opera of nature. I […]


How To Design a Life You Love – Part 1

I have been exploring the concept of designing a life you love for a quite some time now and I find it a fascinating topic. I first got seriously interested in this after I had a massive life change when my long term relationship ended and life as I knew it fell to pieces. Everything […]